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Amanda Giraud RMT



    Amanda Giraud grew up in a small town in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia. Raised to appreciate nature and the rugged beauty of the mountains, Amanda spent much of her youth trekking through the back country. This led to a lifelong passion for exploration, both in Canada and abroad. Amanda's curiosity has taken her to several continents and introduced her to the diversity of traditional cultural healing practices. 


    Her interest in massage therapy began at an early age, "I can remember massaging my mother's back and her telling me that I came by it naturally".  As a teen, Amanda played on numerous sports teams and was frequently asked by team mates to massage sore muscles. After graduating from the Okanagan College of Massage Therapy, Amanda moved to Vancouver Island. She lived in Tofino for 12 years, employed as a Lead Spa Therapist at The Ancient Cedars Spa, at The Wickaninnish Inn. During the time Amanda lived in Tofino, she aquired the skills to become a Chartered Herbalist (500 hour course), Yoga Instructor (200 hour course) and Lomi Lomi Massage Instructor. 


     Amanda once again, resides in the West Kootenay region of B.C. She loves to share her knowledge of massage therapy, yoga, health and fitness through teaching her workshops. Currently, she has completed her certification in Mindfulness, Energy Medicine, and Music Therapy and Sound Healing. She provides a genuine, thorough and compassionate learning environment. Her positive motivation enables her students to dedicate the highest standard of care to their clients. Amanda imparts both a theoretical and practical foundation for each course as well as encouraging integrity to the profession of massage therapy.


    When Amanda is not working or teaching, she enjoys hiking with herWeimaraner, foraging for wild mushrooms, people watching at outdoor cafes, traveling to distant lands, and savouring the laughter of friends. 


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